OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker is an installation bundle that includes the open source Spinnaker and OpsMx extensions on top of it.
For more information, visit https://www.opsmx.com
Install OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker
$ helm repo add opsmx https://helmcharts.opsmx.com/
$ helm install <release-name> opsmx/oes --timeout 15m
$ helm version
If helm is not setup, follow https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/ to install helm.
Add opsmx helm repo to your local machine
$ helm repo add opsmx https://helmcharts.opsmx.com/
Note: If opsmx helm repo is already added, do a repo update before installing the chart
$ helm repo update
Your Kubernetes cluster shall support persistent volumes
It is assumed that an nginx ingress controller is installed on the cluster, by default ingress resources are created for oes-ui, oes-gate, spin-deck and spin-gate services. Customize the hosts for OES using the options in the values.yaml under oesUI, oesGate, spinDeck, spinGate. If any other ingress controller is installed, set createIngress flag to false and configure your ingress.
To enable mutual TLS for Spinnaker Services and SSL features provided by Spinnaker Life Cycle Management (LCM), it is required to install nginx ingress from kubernetes community and cert-manager before installing OES. Please refer the table below for options to be enabled for LCM Instructions to install nginx ingress https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/
Instructions to install cert-manager https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/
Helm v3 expects the namespace to be present before helm install command is run. If it does not exists,
$ kubectl create namespace mynamespace
To install the chart with the release name my-release
Helm v3.x
$ helm install my-release opsmx/oes [--namespace mynamespace] --timeout 15m
The command deploys OES on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
To uninstall/delete the my-release
Helm v3.x
$ helm uninstall my-release [--namespace mynamespace]
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the OES chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
imagePullSecret |
Name of the image pull secret to fetch oes docker images from private registry | opsmxdev-secret |
imageCredentials.registry |
The registry where OES docker images are available | https://index.docker.io/v1/ |
rbac.create |
Enable or disable rbac | true |
installSpinnaker |
If true, install Spinnaker along with OES Extensions | true |
installationMode |
The installation mode. Available installation modes are OES-AP (for OES that includes Autopilot) and None(Skip OES installation) | OES-AP |
global.certManager.installed |
Disable this flag if cert-manager is not installed, when set to true issuer and TLS certs for ingress are automatically created | true |
global.createIngress |
If true, exposes OES ui & gate services over Ingress | false |
global.spinDeck.protocol |
Change this to https if TLS is enabled for ingress endpoint | https |
global.spinDeck.host |
Host using which spinnaker deck needs to be accessed | spinnaker.example.org |
global.spinDeck.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for deck ingress resource | `` |
global.spinDeck.ingress.tls.secretName |
Change this value if your own certificate is put into a specific secret | deck-authtls |
global.spinGate.protocol |
Change this to https if TLS is enabled for ingress endpoint | https |
global.spinGate.host |
Host using which spinnaker gate needs to be accessed | gate.spinnaker.example.org |
global.spinGate.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for spinnaker gate ingress resource | `` |
global.spinGate.ingress.tls.secretName |
Change this value if your own certificate is put into a specific secret | gate-authtls |
oesUI.protocol |
Change this to https if TLS is enabled for ingress endpoint | https |
oesUI.host |
Host using which UI needs to be accessed | oes.domain.com |
oesGate.protocol |
Change this to https if TLS is enabled for ingress endpoint | https |
oesGate.host |
Host using which Gate needs to be accessed | oes-api.domain.com |
k8sServiceType |
Service Type of oes-ui, oes-gate, spin-deck-ui, spin-gate | LoadBalancer |
installRedis |
If true, OES will install its own Redis for caching. This option is mutually exclusive with installSpinnaker | false |
redis.url |
Set custom URL if installRedis is set to false | redis://-redis-master:6379 |
db.enabled |
Set it to false if OpsMx DB is already installed on cluster or if any external database is to be used. | true |
db.url |
URL of the external DB if not using OpsMx DB. | jdbc:postgresql://oes-db:5432/opsmx |
db.storageMountSize |
Storage to be allocated to OpsMx DB | 8Gi |
autopilot.config.buildAnalysis.enabled |
Set it to false to disable build analysis | false |
autopilot.config.ssl.enabled |
Set it to true to enable SSL | false |
autopilot.config.ssl.keystore |
SSL keystore value | keystore.p12 |
autopilot.config.ssl.keyStorePassword |
SSL keystore password | dummypwd |
autopilot.config.ssl.keyStoreType |
SSL keystore type | PKCS12 |
autopilot.config.ssl.keyAlias |
SSL key alias | tomcat |
dashboard.spinnakerLink |
Specify if dashboard needs to be configured with a different spinnaker | :// |
gate.config.oesUIcors |
Regex of OES-UI URL to prevent cross origin attacks | ^https?://(?:localhost|OES_UI_LOADBALANCER_IP|opsmx.com)(?::[1-9]\d*)?/? |
gate.config.fileBasedAuthentication |
Set it to true to disable LDAP authentication and enable file based authentication | false |
gate.config.saml |
SAML configuration for oes gate authn and authz | `` |
gate.config.saml.jksSecretName |
Set this value to use an existing secret in which saml jks exists | oes-saml-jks |
gate.config.saml.metadataSecretName |
Set this value to use an existing secret in which saml metadata exists | metadata-xml |
gate.config.oauth2 |
OAuth2 configuration for oes gate authn and authz | `` |
platform.config.adminGroups |
Admin groups available | admin, Administrators |
platform.config.userSource |
Source of Users for authorization | ldap |
platform.config.supportedFeatures |
List of featues to be supported by OES | [deployment_verification, sapor, visibility] |
sapor.config.spinnaker.authnEnabled |
Set it to true if authentication is enabled in Spinnaker | false |
sapor.config.spinnaker.ldap.ldapEnabled |
Is LDAP authn enabled for spinnaker | true |
sapor.config.spinnaker.ldap.ldapUsername |
Spinnaker username | admin |
sapor.config.spinnaker.ldap.ldapPassword |
Spinnaker password | opsmxadmin123 |
sapor.config.spinnaker.x509.enabled |
Is x509 cert authn enabled for spinnaker | false |
sapor.config.spinnaker.x509.client.password |
Password of x509 client certificate | changeit |
sapor.config.kubernetes.agent.enabled |
Option to enable oes kubernetes agent | true |
sapor.config.caCerts.override |
If default java certs are to be overwritten, create custom config map ‘oes-sapor-cacerts.yaml’ under templates and set this option to true | false |
ui.config.setApplicationRefreshInterval |
Interval at which UI refreshes application dashboard | 16000 |
visibility.config.configuredConnectors |
visibility.config.logLevel |
Default Log Level | ERROR |
global.autoConfiguration.enabled |
Option enables OES to be configured automatically. Load Balancer IPs will be automatically replaced in the configuration files of oes-gate, oes-ui & sapor. Set it to false if OES is being installed on restricted environment. | true |
global.autoConfiguration.initContainer.externalIpCheckDelay |
Expected delay in assigning load balancer IPs to oes-ui & oes-gate in secs | 180 |
opa.enabled |
Enable OPA with OES | true |
installOpenLdap |
If true, installs Open LDAP server | false |
openldap.adminPassword |
Password to be set for admin user of LDAP | opsmxadmin123 |
ldap.enabled |
Set it to true if LDAP is to be enabled for OES | true |
ldap.url |
URL of LDAP server | ldap://-openldap:389 |
spinnaker.enableHA |
Enable HA for orca & echo | true |
spinnaker.enableCentralMonitoring |
Enable monitoring for Spinnaker | false |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.enabled |
Enable gitops style halyard & account config | false |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.mTLS.enabled |
Enable mTLS for Spinnaker Services and SSL for Deck and Gate | false |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.mTLS.deckIngressHost |
Ingress host for deck | spindeck..domain.com |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.mTLS.gateIngressHost |
Ingress host for gate | spingate..domain.com |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.repo-type |
Repo type; git, s3, vault | git |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.secretName |
Secret in which git credentials shall be specified, sample secret found under templates/secrets/ | opsmx-gitops-auth |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.spinnakerLBCheckDelay |
Timeout while fetching LB IPs of spin-deck and spin-gate to configure in hal config in seconds | 180 |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.gatex509.enabled |
Flag to enable x509 authentication for gate and use it for webhooks | false |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.gatex509.host |
Separate host for using x509 authentication | spingate-x509.domain.com |
spinnaker.gitopsHalyard.pipelinePromotion.enabled |
To Enable pipeline promotion from one env to another | false |
spinnaker.spinCli |
Authn credentials to enable spin-cli container to automatically populate sample pipelines while spinnaker is starting up | `` |
Tip: Refer to values.yaml for detailed comments
Tip: Refer to Spinnaker helm chart & EFK helm chart for their configuration details.
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example,
$ helm install my-release opsmx/oes --set installSpinnaker=false --set installRedis=true --set imageCredentials.username=username \
--set imageCredentials.password=password [--namespace mynamespace]
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example, OES values.yaml can be first downloaded using below command and then customized.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opsmx/enterprise-spinnaker/master/charts/oes/values.yaml
Helm v3.x
$ helm install my-release opsmx/oes -f values.yaml --timeout 15m
Spinnaker consists of multiple microservices and you need to connect to each microservice to see what is going on. We have enabled elasticsearch, fluentbit and kibana to provide a centralized logging solution for Spinnaker. To enable it, you need to install with the flag
–set enableCentralLogging=trueNote, that out-of-the-box configuration of the service requires addition 2G of memory and 1 core. To get the hostname for Kibana, run
kubectl get svc [–namespace mynamespace]and find the service with Kibana in the name. Example output would be:
somename-kibana LoadBalancer 5601:32097 9m43s
In Kibana, go to Discover -> Open -> Spinnaker Logs to see logs from Spinnaker pods.